Our Birthday Non-Update: A Conversation with SZP Co-Creators Meg & Sam
Why we’re not releasing a bunch of new stuff this summer like we have for the past several years.
Why we’re not releasing a bunch of new stuff this summer like we have for the past several years.
We didn’t want to get in our own way, and we decided to focus on creating a(nother) free online resource and supporting from afar instead of flying everywhere.
A handy lil e-book that demystifies LGBTQ+ terminology
A step-by-step, activity-by-activity walkthrough to plan, prepare, and run a two-day train-the-trainer retreat.
An academy for aspiring Safe Zone facilitators and a bunch of tools and resources for training trainers coming your way
You can start learning online today with our first course, and we’ll be releasing more in the coming weeks.
Because we know this conversation needs to keep going.
Our gifts to you: new website, curriculum, online LGBTQ+ courses, S.T.A.R.L.A.B., and Train-the-Trainer Clearinghouse
Tips for how-to, when, and how-not-to ask for someone’s pronouns.
Moving from one general internship to two: Seasonal Interns & Project Interns
Jess is from East Tennessee and would love to facilitate a Safe Zone training for Seth MacFarlane
The SZP team is looking to bring on a spring intern!
Adding a little silver lining to the storm cloud that is 2017.
It would create a problematic power relationship, add to a specific problem we’re trying to solve, and is simply beyond our capacity.
It’s birthday #3 and we’ve got a new 3.0 curriculum to match!
Meet the newest member of the Safe Zone Project toolbox – Unlocking the Magic of Facilitation
The world keeps changing and so do the words that we use to describe it.
This year we got to do a lot of awesome things, w/ some awesome people. Here’s to another great year!
We think the SZP is neat. And we want to bring you another awesome free resource website, but we need your help! That’s why we’ve launched our kickstarter today!
We thought our ready-to-rock curriculum was a solid start. This is even better.
You’re probably thinking “Oh no! I didn’t get The Safe Zone Project a present.” Awkward. We know. But we were prepared.
If you’re looking for a few ways to up your facilitation game, look no further.
How to redirect a someone in a social justice conversation without shutting them down
The importance of responding to the group’s needs, checking in with individual members, and how to pick up what they’re putting down
How a style of question asking and digging in for more information can bring your workshop to new heights
The HOWs and WHYs of something that is simply a MUST if you want to continuously improve as a facilitator
Responding to the request to speak on behalf of all [blank] people
The importance of putting your personal spin on any curriculum you facilitate
How facilitation and social justice are like peanut butter and educational jelly
Some things you do (not) need to know before you start your journey as an all-star social justice facilitator
Exploring the concept of identity from an important perspective: when it matters more, and when it goes unnoticed
There are lots of different moments where we get thrown off our metaphoric game. Let’s prepare for those moments before they happen. Together.
Being a social justice educator – you often only get one shot to make an impact – help us make the most of those opportunities and get published on this site and save the world with us!
A few suggestions for small improvements and additions (but an overall major thumbs up!) to a great Buzzfeed article about trans* people.
Meg and Sam help you get acquainted with their brand new labor of love, The Safe Zone Project
Gender/sexuality workshop connoisseur, the queertastic founder of Pride for All talks about one of her dream projects. This one.
Between It’s Pronounced Metrosexual, Gamers Against Bigotry, and A Guide to Gender, Sam has his hand in a lot of pots. Here he explains why he added this one to the stovetop.
We’ll be here sooner than you know it. Stay tuned!
Getting started with your curriculum is as easy as 1, 2, 3.
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